The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)- Release Date Belgium 12 December 2012

maandag 12 november 2012

Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998) NL

Directed by

Tom Ellery
Bradley Raymond

Produced by

Leslie Hough

Written by

Allen Estrin
Cindy Marcus
Flip Kobler

Irene Bedard
Billy Zane
Jim Cummings
Donal Gibson
David Ogden Stiers
Linda Hunt
Jean Stapleton
Russell Means
Finola Hughes
Brad Garrett
Music by Lennie Niehaus
Blaise Tosti
Stacy Widelitz
Larry Grossman
Marty Panzer (lyrics)

Distributed by
Walt Disney Home Video

Release date(s)
August 4, 1998

Running time
72 minutes

United States


Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World is a 1998 straight-to-video sequel to the 1995 Disney film Pocahontas. The film is inspired by true events in the life of Pocahontas which took place several years after her encounter with John Smith and the founders of Jamestown. While the original film dealt with her romance with John Smith, this film deals with her romance with the Englishman she married in real life, John Rolfe.
All the returning characters from the first film retain their original voice actors with the exception of Captain John Smith who is voiced by Donal Gibson, the younger brother of Mel Gibson who voiced him in the first film.


John Smith is ambushed by a group of soldiers with a warrant for his arrest and presumed dead in the ensuing confrontation; Governor Ratcliffe has lied to King James (being a personal friend of the King) and framed Smith as the traitor from the first film in a plot to declare war against the Powhatan Nation while avoiding punishment for his own crimes. In order to prevent this, the King sends a young diplomat, John Rolfe, to bring Chief Powhatan to England for negotiations. In the New World, Pocahontas mourns John Smith's death but is eventually able to move on. John Rolfe soon arrives, greeted by English civilians (who by now have settled in Jamestown) and a curious Pocahontas. After an incident with a biased sailor, Pocahontas meets Rolfe, but is disgusted by his need to take charge; Rolfe in turn does not like Pocahontas's independent spirit.
Rolfe later overhears two women talking about Pocahontas preventing a war, and assumes that "Pocahontas" is the name of the Chief of the Powhatans. That night, at a dance, Rolfe intrudes with a gift of a horse for "The Mighty Pocahontas." When Pocahontas steps forward, Rolfe finds himself in an awkward situation: the stubborn Chief will not go to England, but unless an envoy is sent, war will break out. Pocahontas volunteers, despite doubt and concern from others. Later that night, Grandmother Willow tells her to "listen to the spirit within." The next day, Pocahontas sets off for England with Meeko, Flit, and Percy stowing away on the ship, and a bodyguard (known as Uttamatomakkin) sent by the Chief. While on the ship, Pocahontas is nearly arrested by the captain as a stowaway, but Rolfe saves her, and they come to a truce.
Upon arriving in England, Pocahontas marvels at this "new world." But Ratcliffe is only too happy to learn that she is there, a "lowly woman" instead of a chief, and hands Rolfe a proclamation signed by King James that says an Armada will sail if he is not pleased with the Powhatan ambassador. Rolfe and Pocahontas set out for his estate outside of London, where Mrs. Jenkins happily greets them and puts on tea, her trademark solution to a problem. Rolfe meets with the King, who, per Ratcliffe's suggestion, invites Pocahontas and Rolfe to The Hunt Ball. If Pocahontas can impress the King by appearing "civilized", the armada will not set sail, much to Rolfe's disgust.
Rolfe is doubtful of the plan, but Pocahontas is determined to impress King James. Pocahontas dons a hoop skirt, high heels and a yellow ball dress, and is powdered to look white. Rolfe gives her lessons in dance and local etiquette, as well as a necklace, which she puts on in place of her mother's. She delights the King with flattery, and pleases the Queen. But during a bear-baiting (arranged by Ratcliffe), Pocahontas cannot stand by and watch the torture, and accuses the King and the laughing aristocrats of behaving like savages. James accuses Pocahontas of the same thing for defending the bear, and angrily orders Pocahontas and Uttamatomakkin's arrest, per Ratcliffe's suggestion, and plans to have them beheaded. Rolfe, his hopes of peace having failed, meets a hooded stranger who aids him in breaking Pocahontas and Uttamatomakkin out of jail. At a cabin in the woods the hooded man is revealed to be John Smith, who still has feelings for Pocahontas, and wants her to stay hidden, instead of trying to stop the armada. Rolfe wants Pocahontas to listen to her heart. Smith realizes Rolfe is in love with her.
Pocahontas remembers her now-married friend Nakoma's words. Willing to risk her life for her people, she washes the powder from her face, goes before the king and convinces the Queen of the truth. And when John Smith appears, the King finally realizes that Ratcliffe lied about Smith's death and there being gold in Virginia. Pocahontas, Uttamatomakkin, Smith, and Rolfe then set out to stop the Armada. After they knock most of the sailors overboard and cause the ships to crash together, Smith bests Ratcliffe in a swordfight. Ratcliffe pulls out a pistol, but Rolfe and Pocahontas stop him. Ratcliffe is met on shore by King James, who finally arrests him.
Pocahontas tells Rolfe that she plans to leave for home (Uttamatomakkin ends up staying), and the two hint at admitting they love each other. Smith interrupts, telling Pocahontas he wants to travel the world with her by his side on his newly-awarded ship. Rolfe leaves, dismayed. Pocahontas gently tells Smith that their time together is over and they must part ways. Smith wishes her well, kisses her hand one last time, and leaves. Sadly, Rolfe has vanished. As her ship leaves port, Rolfe reveals he is on board, and Pocahontas runs to his arms. Pocahontas reminds him about his duty to the King, but Rolfe says that he has a duty to honor what is in his heart. They kiss as the ship sails into the sunset.


De film speelt enkele jaren na de vorige film (circa 1610-1614). In Engeland is John Smith bezig met een brief aan Pocahontas wanneer hij wordt gestoord door voormalig gouverneur Ratcliffe en een aantal soldaten. Ratcliffe is erin geslaagd de Britse koning James ervan te overtuigen dat hij slachtoffer is geworden van verraad in de kolonie, en dat Smith de ware schurk is. John Smith kan aan Ratcliffe ontkomen, maar valt in het water en wordt nadien doodgewaand.
Ondertussen, in Noord-Amerika, hebben meer Britten zich in Jamestown gevestigd. Er heerst nog altijd een gespannen situatie tussen hen en de indianen, maar Pocahontas heeft tot dusver kunnen voorkomen dat de situatie escaleert. Op een dag arriveert de Brit John Rolfe. Hij heeft de opdracht om opperhoofd Powhatan naar Engeland te halen voor onderhandelingen met koning James. Dit omdat er een oorlog dreigt nu Ratcliffe de koning met zijn leugens probeert te overtuigen dat de indianen de groei van de kolonie in de weg staan. Wanneer hij hoort dat Pocahontas de persoon is die de indianen en de kolonisten uit elkaar houdt, besluit hij haar mee te nemen. Meeko, Flit en Percy gaan met haar mee, evenals een indiaan genaamd Uttamatomakkin.
Eenmaal in Engeland staat Pocahontas versteld van deze “nieuwe wereld”. Ratcliffe, die de onderhandelingen graag ziet mislukken zodat hij een oorlogsvloot naar de kolonie kan sturen, haalt de koning over om Pocahontas uit te nodigen voor het Hunt-bal. Samen met Rolfe’s huishoudster Mrs. Jenkins bereidt ze zich voor op het feest. Aanvankelijk lijkt alles goed te gaan en de koning is zeer onder de indruk van haar. Dan zet Ratcliffe echter zijn plan in werking; hij laat ter “vermaak” van de aanwezigen een beer martelen. Pocahontas snapt dit soort gedrag niet en neemt het op voor de beer, wat juist voor de Britten weer vreemd overkomt. De koning is beledigd en laat Pocahontas en Uttamatomakkin opsluiten in de Tower of London.
Die avond wordt Rolfe opgehaald bij zijn huis door een man wiens gezicht verborgen gaat onder een mantel met capuchon. De twee bevrijden Pocahontas en Uttamatomakkin. Naderhand blijkt de man niemand minder te zijn dan John Smith. Na wat onenigheid tussen Smith en Rolfe over wat ze nu het beste kunnen doen, besluiten zij en Pocahontas naar de koning te gaan. Wanneer de koning ziet dat John nog leeft, beseft hij dat Ratcliffe gelogen heeft en de oorlogsvloot enkel wil sturen daar hij nog steeds denkt dat er goud te vinden is in de kolonie.
Pocahontas, Uttamatomakkin, Smith, en Rolfe haasten zich naar de haven en slagen erin de vloot tegen te houden. Smith verslaat Ratcliffe in een zwaardgevecht, waarna hij door de koning wordt gearresteerd. Naderhand moet Pocahontas kiezen tussen twee liefdes. Haar hart ligt inmiddels bij Rolfe, dus nemen zij en John Smith afscheid. Pocahontas en Rolfe nemen een schip terug naar de kolonie, terwijl Uttamatomakkin in Engeland blijft bij Mrs. Jenkins.

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